​As a Soloist, Sasha has performed in restaurants (Terrazza and Effendi’s) and live band events by AKM productions. She was also a member of Belly Dance Circle at Ancient Arts Studios, focusing in live band performances. At the present moment she is taking a Belly Dance Radiance workshop with Aurel to enhance her skills as a performer.
Sasha enjoys dancing with cane, veil and fan veils.
Sasha's Story...
Sasha began belly dancing during pregnancy 2009. She had learned about numerous health benefits of belly dancing for women and how it can help to increase flexibility and mobility to assist in natural birth. Sasha was learning the art of dance through any library DVD she could get her hands on which lead her down a path to discover the beauty and grace of belly dance.
Since then Sasha has taken numerous classes and workshops with local instructors Kanina, Aurel and Inara and in 2012 she joined Kanina’s Beledi Dance Company. As a troupe member she performed in weddings, birthdays, festivals, and other events through out New England. In 2020 when Inara took over the studio, Sasha became a member of Inara’s Azama Dance Company continuing her education in dance.